Monday, March 14, 2016

Why I hate new anime

Whenever I recommend or talk about an old anime I like to some of my friends, it's usually the case that they get sarcastic and call me a hipster, and make a few smart ass comments about nostalgia.
I won't deny that nostalgia does play a considerable factor in this, but I don't prefer older anime because of the nostalgic value (most of them are anime I have never watched in my life), I really think that old anime did many things better than anime nowadays.

Here's  why I am not really fond of the current state of anime (even though I found some new stuff to be pretty good)

  • Colors
    First, the colors.
    Everything is too bright nowadays, it's like the anime industry decided it needed to pull a Michael Jackson.
    One of the most prominent examples of this is the 2011 adaptation of Hunter x Hunter, when you compare it to its 1999 counter park it will become apparent what  anime is like at the moment.

    For me, the color choices make all the difference. the 2011 colors imparted a childish feel on the anime that didn't suit Hunter x Hunter very well imo
  • Characters
    I can't mention Hunter x Hunter here because it actually does have great characters (and not to mention, the manga is quite old), so do many modern anime tbh.
    But you'd have to be blind not to notice how bland most of the characters nowadays are. you don't need to pay a lot of attention to realize that most anime characters have become generic and fall into certain stereotypes.
    And what's with all the philosophy? Many of these characters are extremely pretentious and lack emotion that they feel more like robots than fucking humans.
    It's like the mangakas have these character templates that they use freely and effortlessly to move their story along. While having readily made templates can be very useful in many fields (as a programmer I can assure you of this) it doesn't seem to work so well with something as complex as the human psyche. I don't understand how people are buying this crap.
  • Music
    Like characters, music has also become too boring and repetitive. I mean some sound tracks are great, but the openings and endings are usually not.
    I don't have much to say here since music isn't as bad as the other aspects but it's definitely not as good as the music of classic anime.
  • "Otakus"
    This is probably the most annoying one, fucking otakus, the people who watch anime for the sake of watching anime.
    It's my belief that people like these are the ones who ruined the anime industry and are responsible for a huge part of what makes anime what it is today.
    It's no secret that most seasonal anime are targeted towards them.
I am not saying that all new anime are bad, but the good ones are extremely hard to come by.